Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Siding is up!

the metal sliding is finished and everything is water tight!
the roof is done and we can concentrate on the inside!

soft blocks to climb!

These great foam blocks are perfect to climb on and practice standing on...Noni made three and they are a huge hit for all the kids, even the big ones use them for fort building, of course!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Ruby & Penelope!

One Year Olds!
Birthday Crowns courtesy of Bluebird Baby.

Penelope (l) is such a goofy lady. She smiles with a funny crooked smile, and likes to crinkle up her nose. She is quite the independant crawler, always exploring far from mama. "Nell-O-P" is cruising around holding on to all the furniture and loves it if mama, papa, or big brother will hold her hands so she can walk. She will really let you know if you are not giving her something- or if a sister is trying to get away with a toy.

Ruby is a mama's girl- prefering to stay close and be held in the ergo backpack a lot! She is a cuddler, and tucks her head towards your body when giving hugs & kisses. Sucking her fingers makes her feel better when she's sad. "Ru Ru" is a very fast crawler and prefers that mode more than "walking" still.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

First Family Bike Ride!

Yay! We made it all around the nieghborhood and the girls loved it as long as we kept moving...then things got cranky so mama headed home while the big kids went for a longer ride....but at least its a start! Next time we will surely make it to the park, right?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sharing leaves!


Richard, Brad, and Eli put up rafters December 2008
Back view of the house

The first phase of our project is about wrapped up. the addition will be "dried in" once my brother completes the supply plumbing. eli and my dad completed the framing, we hired an electrician, and then we will need another inspection before proceeding with the siding and the next stage. its been really fun to watch and overall has not been hard on the home routine with the noise or anything like that. most of all reed has loved watching every step of the job, and of course, climbing around on the roof and rafters of his new room.

Its so very exciting (and a little daunting) knowing that soon we will get to re-arrange and organize out little home into a space that is big enough for us! Laundry facilities that will be inside, a bedroom for me and Craig, a place for books!, Reed's own big boy space, another bathroom...Not to mention room for every person's clothes, to get to have a couch again and a bigger dining table! We are so ready!